Virtual Learning Classroom
For better performance classes and mentor's instructions are really very helpful for the best. So, NarayanDojo takes the weekly virtual classes for performing small project activities.
How can I join this virtual class?
Step:1 If you are on a laptop then open anyone browser. For e.g. (Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari e.t.c.).
Step:2 Then go to this link https://classroom.google.com/
Step:3 OR If you are on an Android/IOS Phone then go to the Play/App store app and just skip the Step:1 & Step:2
Step:4 And Just Search the Google Classroom Under Search Box and install it in your phone.
Step:5 Sign in to the Google Classroom using Google Account.
Step:6 Click on the + icon at the top to join the class.
Step:7 Now Open your Kit Box and see the code.
Step:8 Enter this silly code to join the virtual classroom. It takes a little bit of time to enter you in the classroom.
Step:9 That's it, now you are in the Virtual Classroom of NarayanDojo.