Learn by Doing
In this module, the student/candidate will learn each concept or thing by doing the experiment on real hardware with a meaningful project based on real-life problems with the simulation.
Kit for Hands-On experiments with the 20+ components and with an activity E-Book.
15 Days Online live classes (2 hour / Day, Simulation+ Learn by doing)
Sensors & Actuators
Project (Based on real-life problem)
The Candidate will learn the each concept with the W2H (What, Why & How) & Hands-On experiments
One Certificate according to their project performance
The class standard of the candidate should be a minimum of 7th.
Batch Candidates (Min: 3, Max: 20)
Opportunity: Chance to build their project portfolio on the website that they can add to their resume.
Needed Things: Computer+ Kit+ Internet
Kit Price for the Classroom (with classes & Projects)
1 - 3 (Kit): 1999 ₹ /- (Free Shipping)
4 - 7 (Kit) : 1899 ₹ /- (Free Shipping)
7+ (Kit) : 1850 ₹/- (Free Shipping)
Learn By Simulating
In this module, the Students/Candidates will learn each concept or thing by only and only simulating. This means they can perform the experiments and make the project by using the simulator
Learn by simulating on simulator with an activity E-Book.
10 Days Online live classes (2 hour / Day)
Sensors & Actuators
Project (Based on real-life problem on simulator)
The Candidate will learn the each concept with the W2H (What, Why & How) on simulator
One Certificate according to their project performance
The class standard of the candidate should be a minimum of 7th.
Batch Candidates (Min: 3, Max: 20)
Opportunity: Chance to build their project portfolio on the website that they can add to their resume.
Needed Things: Computer + Internet.
Price for the classroom (with classes and projects)
1 - 3 (Candidates) : 199 ₹ /-
4 - 7(Candidates) : 150 ₹ /-
7+ (Candidates) : 100 ₹ /-
Learn with your instructor
For this module, you have a lot of flexibility. Students can learn with their own instructor. Either with the "Learn by doing" (With the Kit) or "Learn by simulating" (Using Simulator).
Instructors will be trained by our mentors, on simulator and real hardware both.
12 - 15 Days Online live training classes (2 hour / Day)
Skills Topics (Basic):
Sensors & Actuators
The instructor will be trained each topic with the What, Why & How. So that instructor will be able to teach them to their students in a more precise way
Batch Candidates (Max : 3)
Instructor will receive the complete teaching content so that they can refer to that content to teach the students in the clas
Instructor can teach the whole class at once.
Instructor can teach the whole class by using only one kit at once.
Needed Things: Computer + Internet + Kit
Price for "Learn with their own Instructor" training
(With training + Kit)
1 - 3 (Instructors) : [199 ₹ + 1999 ₹ ] /-
1. What are the benefits of these modules?
These modules are for the beginner to clear the basics of Coding, Electronics, Arduino & Sensors. So by completing these modules you will be able to solve any problem with the use of Coding, Electronics, Arduino, and Sensors.
At the end of this course, there will be a project. That project you can feature on the website, showcase in any science exhibition, add that in your resume and e.t.c.
2. How can we schedule the session Date-Time after buying any one of these modules?
After purchasing any one of the modules you will receive a call or e-mail within 24 hours for scheduling the date and time of the sessions.
3. What, if by chance any batch/candidate/instructor missed any session?
If the session is missed by a complete batch for a reason then we can reschedule that session.
If the session is missed by an instructor then we can reschedule the session.
4. Will the candidate get the certificate?
Yes, the Candidate will get the certificate according to their project performance.
5. Will the instructor get the certificate?
Yes, Instructor will get the certificate according to their knowledge check quiz.
6. In the learn by simulating module, how the candidates can make the project without having the hardware?
Yes, In this module(learn by simulating) you don't need any hardware. We will provide you an open-source virtual simulation where you can make your projects, code your project & test your project.
7. Who can purchase these modules?
These modules are for the classroom, batch, and for the instructor. You can choose any module according to your requirement.
8. For whom these modules are?
These modules are for anyone who is passionate to learn coding, electronics and wants to automate our daily life problems in a fun way with the use of sensors but For these modules, the class standard of the candidate should be a minimum of 7th.
9. Can my candidates join these modules sessions offline?
If there is any network issue on your side then in that condition you can receive the recorded lecture
But if you want to hold these modules session in your college or class then you can contact us using the contact us form.
10. How will we receive all of the hardware?
If you are purchasing module 1 or Module 3 where the hardware is required then after purchasing the module you will receive a kit of the hardware through courier under 3 -5 business days.
11. In which language sessions will be delivered?
For the sessions, you can choose any language, either Hindi OR English.
12. How can we buy these modules?
For purchasing the module just click on the Buy Now button according to your requirements.
13. is there any shipping charge?
NO, there is no shipping charge within the INDIA.
14. After purchasing the module when can we start the session for our students?
If you are purchasing the "learn by doing" module then after receiving the Kit (Under 3-5 business days) we can start the sessions for your students.
If you are purchasing the "learn by simulating" module then after purchasing you will receive a call for scheduling the session and after that, we can start according to the scheduled Date-Time.
If you are purchasing the "Learn with their own instructor" module then after receiving the Kit (Under 3-5 business days) we can start the sessions for your instructors.
15. In my batch, there is only one candidate. Can I purchase it?
Yes, You can purchase, No Problem.
16. Is laptop/computer is necessary in the classroom?
A laptop OR Computer is necessary for any one of the modules.
17. Can we use the smartphone, instead of a laptop/computer for the session in the classroom?
18. Is the internet is necessary?
Yes, the internet is necessary for the sessions and also for the simulation. But if there is an internet problem on your side then you can receive the recorded lectures.
If you want to hold these module's sessions offline then you can contact us using the contact us form.